Push and pop element on stack

Push Operation

The process of putting a new data element onto stack is known as a Push Operation. Push operation involves a series of steps −
  • Step 1 − Checks if the stack is full.
  • Step 2 − If the stack is full, produces an error and exit.
  • Step 3 − If the stack is not full, increments top to point next empty space.
  • Step 4 − Adds data element to the stack location, where top is pointing.
  • Step 5 − Returns success.

If the linked list is used to implement the stack, then in step 3, we need to allocate space dynamically.
Algorithm for push:
PUSH(Stack, Top, MAX Stack, Item)
1.Stack is already filled?
     If top=MAX STK Print :
    Over flow and Return
2.Set top=top+1
3.Set stack[top]=item

Pop Operation

Accessing the content while removing it from the stack, is known as a Pop Operation. In an array implementation of pop() operation, the data element is not actually removed, instead top is decremented to a lower position in the stack to point to the next value. But in linked-list implementation, pop() actually removes data element and deallocates memory space.
A Pop operation may involve the following steps −
  • Step 1 − Checks if the stack is empty.
  • Step 2 − If the stack is empty, produces an error and exit.
  • Step 3 − If the stack is not empty, accesses the data element at which top is pointing.
  • Step 4 − Decreases the value of top by 1.
  • Step 5 − Returns success.
  • Algorithm for pop:
  • POP(Stack,top,Item)
  • 1.Stack has an item to be removed.
  •     If top=0
  • Print :underflow and return
  • 2.Set item =stack[top]
  • 3.Set top=top-1Return
Source code:

#define size 5
using namespace std;
int stack[size],i,push_element,pop_element,top=0,re_push;
void push(int m)
cout<<"stack overflow:";
cout<<"Enter  "<<i<<" th element :";
cout<<"pushing "<<m<<"element on array :"<<endl;
cout<<"pushed element on array are :"<<endl;
cout<<i<<" -position:"<<stack[i]<<endl;
void pop(int n)
 cout<<"poping element from array"<<endl;
int main()
{ cout<<"size of your stack is :"<<size<<endl<<"follow following instruction:"<<endl;
cout<<"Enter how many element you want to push on stack:";
{cout<<"sorry size of stack is only 5,re-enter no of element u want to pushed:"<<endl;
goto a;
cout<<"Enter how many element you want to pop from stack:";
cout<<"If u want to re-push data on stack press 1:";
goto a;
return 0;