The future of internet-3D Internet

 3D internet is a set of interconnected virtual worlds that users can visit to consume services, teleporting from one world to another. 3D internet is a powerful combination of two forces which  are Internet and 3D Graphics. It is also known as vitrual world, and is new  powerful way to reach consumers,business,co-workers,students and partners.  The 3D Internet is inherently interactive and engaging. Like 2D internet it will use Browser, Search engine, Servers. As compare to 2D Internet, it will make world more social.
It result  interactive,real time 3D graphics delivered over the Web.Example of the 3D internet is 3D mouse which increase design performance  and Vision station which uses the computer display technology to display 3D devices having 180 degree of rotation.It consist of the images instead of the word/text.

 Many researcher suggest hybrid peer-to-peer (P2P) approach to re-duce server load and ensure scalability of the 3D Internetinfrastructure. It consists of three types of communica-tions: client to server (C2S), server to server (S2S) and client to client (C2C) each with different latency and band-width requirements. C2S communications (see Figure 1red lines) are bandwidth limited, frequently updated, andsynchronous. Location and activity data as well as use of in-world services will spend substantial amount of re-sources both at the client and world servers.
  Component and Architecture of 3D Internet
1. World server
2. Avarar/ID server
3. Universal Location Server
4.. Client

The avatar/IDserver-client C2S communications (dash-dotted gray lines)are less frequent and asynchronous. All the idendity,avatar information and inventory of resistered user provided to individual world server and relevant client program while ensuring security and privacy of stored information.
Limitation of the commercial success of 3D internet
1. Restriction due to limitation in in terms of the bandwidth /speed
2. Imposition  of physical constraints
3.  Embodiment in current feature of internet
4. Lack of inaction and immersive participation

why 3D Internet?
1.Easy social interaction.
2.Interesting  in 3D object visualization
3.Game mode is more interesting
4.Distance learning is joyous experience
5.Representation of interior design effectively
6.Giving the services a shape using 3D graphics
7.  Giving the users a shape by using avatars.
8. collaboratively edited.

Advantage of 3D Internet
1. 3D films cannot be pirated.
2.  Participants have control throughout the virtual space.
3. Content is readily available.
4. Participants have a choice in whether to interact with an offering.
5. Also useful for the Gaming,training and E-commerce
6. Increased speed of the working and more interactive
Virtual experiments for physical sciences. For entertainment purpose product visualization. 3D virtual shops.

Disadvantage of 3D internet effectiveness of the traditional media technique.
2. lake of effective way of enabling people in virtual world.

It can be work in various ways. They are as follows:
-> It works by using virtual platform.
->  By using artificial Intelligence.
-> By using eye wear like Google glass.
 -> By using sensors and holographic image projection.

In conclusion, 3D internet is alternative way of organizing data where everybody know and use it.3D internet combines the immediacy of the television ,the versatile content of Web and relationship building strength of the social networking sites.In future, it has the ability to attract highly motivated audience.
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